begin with

[bɪˈɡɪn wɪð]
  • 释义
  • 以…开始, 从…开始;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    First of all, could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week?


  • 2、

    To begin with, it was an anecdote he shared only with friends or new acquaintances.

    一开始, 这只是跟朋友和初相识的人分享的一段轶事.

  • 3、

    This report is ambiguity to begin with and the next arguments are as weak as water.


  • 4、

    Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.


  • 5、

    Reforms usually begin with extra indexation and more frequent adjustment of controlled interest rates.


  • 6、

    Begin with different theories, Behaviorism and Humanism explicate the origin of abnormal psychology and the remedies.

    行为主义和人本主义从不同的理论出发, 阐述了异常心理产生的原因和治疗方法.

  • 7、

    It was great to begin with but now it's difficult.


  • 8、

    We begin with a brief and necessarily incomplete review of UK statistics.


  • 9、

    Macro ( gasp! ) names all uppercase and begin with BOOST _.

    宏 ( 气吁吁地说! ) 的名字使用全是大写的BOOST_ 开始.

  • 10、

    To begin with, I spent a day going over all the figures for the last quarter.

    那么首先, 我花了一天的时间把所有上季度的数据都仔细研究了一下.

  • 11、

    To begin with some of the other kids teased us.


  • 12、

    I never yet failed a friend, and it's not likely I'll begin with you.

    我还从来没有出卖过朋友, 也不见得从你开始.

  • 13、

    What would you like to begin with?

    您想开始先来点 什么 ?

  • 14、

    Template parameter names begin with an uppercase letter.


  • 15、

    The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.


  • 16、

    To begin with, you must realize I have little, money.


  • 17、

    You are wrong about the facts to begin with.


  • 18、

    I have several choices what to do. To begin with, I could do nothing!

    怎么干,我有好几种选择. 首先, 我什么也干不了!

  • 19、

    We can't give Smith the position. To begin with, he's too young; secondly, I want my son to have the job.

    我们不能把这一职位给史密斯. 第一, 他太年轻; 第二, 我想让我儿子就任这一职位.

  • 20、

    Begin with a key decision : Your basic split between stocks and more conservative investments.

    从关键的决策开始: 基本上股票和更保守的投资应各占一定比例.

  • 21、

    Scalar variable names always begin with a $ sign.


  • 22、

    To begin with, I'd like to tell in brief the importance of the work.

    首先, 我想简要谈谈这项工作的重要性.

  • 23、

    It was fine to begin with and then It'started to rain.


  • 24、

    To begin with, she is too young for that kind of job.

    首先, 她做这种工作年纪还太轻.

  • 25、

    I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it.


  • 26、

    If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.


  • 27、

    To begin with he was Prince Charming.


  • 28、

    Could I begin with a few formalities?


  • 29、

    "What do scientists you've spoken with think about that?"— 'Well. to begin with. they doubt it's going to work.'

